You are invited to the first event of GIMS project, which will be held on November 6, 2019 in ComoNExT – Innovation Hub (Via Cavour 2, Lomazzo CO). You can REGISTER HERE.

The purpose of the event is to present the first results obtained from the prototype units installed in Slovenia. The event will be moderated by the journalist Maurizio Melis (Radio24) and a translation service Italian to English is foreseen.


10:00 Registration

10:15 Welcome and Context Analysis Fernando Sansò, GRed
10:40 GIMS value proposition and first results Eugenio Realini, GRed
11:00 Specific technologies developed for GIMS and first applications in Slovenia
Saphyrion – CTTC – GeoNumerics – GRed – GeoZS
11:45 Q&A
12:10 From science and technology to market, the new approach Joaquín Reyes Gonzáles, GSA Market Development Technology Officer
12:25 Conclusion of the morning session

12:30 Standing Lunch

13:30 Technical working group & possible future projects. Registration is compulsory
15:00 Conclusion


2019-10-31T12:20:25+00:00 October 8th, 2019|Latest News|